Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Relief Society Holiday Cheer

The sisters gathered together to share love and the Spirit of Christmas, we had a beautiful lesson about languages of love, and how we can share love one with another.

2009 Christmas Party

It was another lovely ward gathering, complete with a live nativity to boot. Special thanks to Jacob Smith and Katie Yaksich for the laughs  (they were our sheep, frisky sheep we might add). The bishopric served up pancakes, bacon and sausage and OJ. A very special visitor made an appearance to the delight of all the kids! The missionaries made us all proud as they launched paper wads at Samuel the Lamanite (Brother Duncan) during the story of Christ's prophesied coming. Emma Mork made a lovely Mary and Austin Reed was the cutest darn Joseph you ever did see. The angels were indeed angelic, little Eli Duncan, Jackie Smith, Taylor Smith, Morgan Reed, Annaliese Mork and Alexandra Williams. The shepherds were played by Dallin and we think his dad was doubling as a shepherd as well as Samuel the Lamanite.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Midnight Bowling Extravaganaza!!!

November 20, 2010

The Young Men and Young Women spent the evening in Mt. Sterling for Midnight Bowling. Bob Smith was there, clearly not an avid bowler, he lost to not only Kaleb, but to Dwain Wheeler the champ of the evening. Sierra Chugg proved to be quite the bowler, she demonstrated her skill after each attempt through leaps, jumps and hugs for all. Chelsea was voted MVP by the Young Women. The Omohundro's kept everyone in stitches, while the Peterson's tried desperately between the three of them to break 300. The Young Women leaders cheered fromt he sidelines, and the Mork girls played on their cell phones and I-Pods. The Chugg and Wheeler boys came in a close second behind Brother Wheeler--they must get their talent from him. Bishop Wells spent the evening serving drinks and pizza, and Katie found a bowling ball that weighed nearly as much as she does. Rachel Smith set the fashion standard with her stylin white hat, sorry Bob, Rachel's hat was cooler than yours.  Sister Peterson took all the pictures, and drank too much soda.

Ali Roo
Katarina, Katie and Sierra
Too cool
Ryan and the back of Rachel's head
Bob and Kaleb
The Young Women Cheer Leaders
Anna Banana, Ali Roo, Katy-did, Fanny and Katarina (Katarina really needs a nickname)
Anna and Chelsea
Will and Tinkerbell
Ali, Anna and Sierra--not sure what they're doing?
Will, Carl, Rachel's head again, and Jacob
Dancing Sierra
The Young Women Troublemakers
The Mork Girls

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Meet the Reed Family

                     Bob and Pat in 1957 and 2008

Bob Reed and Pat Shrout were married in June 1957. They are the parents of five children- Robin Clay, Robert Donald, Jr., James Michael, Clay Shrout, and William Callis and nine grandchildren and two great-grandsons. They have lived the last 40 years on a 40-acre farm at Trapp (Clark Co.) that once was part of a larger farm belonging to Bob’s Great- Grandfather (James Thomas Elkin).

Bob started farming for his grandfather, James Mickleberry Elkin, in the early 1960’s and worked at Bundy Tubing 36 years before retiring in 1993. Pat worked at Square D Co. in Lexington and at the Lexington-Blue Grass Army Depot before retiring in 1997.

Their children and grandchildren are scattered from the East to West -

Robin and Jeff have four children and live in El Paso, TX with Alex and Emily. Their oldest son, Jeffrey, Jr., and his wife Chemenn and son Lincoln live in Memphis, TN. Their oldest daughter, Jennifer, and her husband Mike and son Ethan live in Jersey City, NJ.

Robert, Jr. lives in Los Angeles, CA.

Mike and his three sons, Bo, Zack, and Allen live in Crestwood, KY.

Clay and his wife Ann and two children, Austin and Morgan live in Winchester.

Cal lives with Mike in Crestwood.

Their favorite things are having family “Porch Parties” in the summer starting with Easter in the spring with a big Easter egg hunt for all the children. The children get a wagon ride while the guys get to hide the eggs for the little ones. Their wintertime favorite thing is sitting in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace being lazy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This article tickles me...things have changed since then

Click on it to make it bigger.

YM/YW Activity this Wednesday

I's ART day for the Young Women!!! We will have a giant canvas and you bring whatever type of medium you're interested in creating a masterpiece with. It will be loads of fun!!! Bring your friends girls and be there at 6:30 on the button!

Sunday, November 1, 2009