Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Relief Society Holiday Cheer

The sisters gathered together to share love and the Spirit of Christmas, we had a beautiful lesson about languages of love, and how we can share love one with another.

2009 Christmas Party

It was another lovely ward gathering, complete with a live nativity to boot. Special thanks to Jacob Smith and Katie Yaksich for the laughs  (they were our sheep, frisky sheep we might add). The bishopric served up pancakes, bacon and sausage and OJ. A very special visitor made an appearance to the delight of all the kids! The missionaries made us all proud as they launched paper wads at Samuel the Lamanite (Brother Duncan) during the story of Christ's prophesied coming. Emma Mork made a lovely Mary and Austin Reed was the cutest darn Joseph you ever did see. The angels were indeed angelic, little Eli Duncan, Jackie Smith, Taylor Smith, Morgan Reed, Annaliese Mork and Alexandra Williams. The shepherds were played by Dallin and we think his dad was doubling as a shepherd as well as Samuel the Lamanite.